2024-2025 Formation II – Year C


Year 1: Jackie, Jo Ann

Year 3: Chuck

JulyContext of Holiness, Formation II Year C1-52,
Intro & Appendix A
AugustContext of Holiness, Formation II Year C53-99,
Session 1 & Appendices B & C
SeptemberContext of Holiness, Formation II Year C100-147
Sessions 2 & 3, Appendix D & E
OctoberThe Promises & Vows, Formation II Year C2-13,
Session 4, Appendix F
NovemberThe Promises & Vows, Formation II Year C13-25,
Session 5
DecemberThe Promises & Vows, Formation II Year C25-48,
Session 6 & Appendix G
JanuaryEight Doors of the Kingdom, Formation II Year C1-78,
Session 7 & 8
FebruaryEight Doors of the Kingdom, Formation II Year C79-123,
Session 9
MarchEight Doors of the Kingdom, Formation II Year C124-166,
Session 10 & Appendix H, I, & J
AprilEight Doors of the Kingdom, Formation II Year C167-194,
Session 11 & Appendix K
MayEight Doors of the Kingdom, Formation II Year C195-214,
Session 12
JuneCommunity Ritual Retreat