Anything brought to a meeting to share with the Community – be it an article, a book, a link, news of an event, etc. needs to come first to the Council for approval. Please allow enough time for review; there is not time right before a meeting to make this determination. Keep in mind that such items need to be Carmelite in nature.
Information from the Discalced Carmelite Order in an official capacity will be distributed through either a member of the Council (speaking for the entire Council) or from the Community Secretary at the request of the Council. If it comes from the Secretary, it will be prefaced as coming to the Community from the Council with the wording “Secretary” after her/his name; thereby, making it clear that the item is “official.”
The Community is encouraged to seek Carmelite items as their primary resources. This is in response to “It Is Time To Walk!”, the conclusive document of the 91st General Chapter of the Discalced Carmelites Avila of St. Teresa, May 2-24, 2015, in the V Centenary of Her Birth, Paragraph 20:
“We call interiorization the assimilation by all the members of the group of the patrimony the values that are organized and specified in a life project. Interiorization means that each one assumes this project as a personal life model to which one’s energies are directed and invested. Logically, if individuals invest their energies in personal projects rather than for the fulfillment of the common project, the group will lose intensity, density, and depth of meaning. The charismatic identity will fade and only an amalgam of ‘professional’ projects or individual ministries will survive.”