Aspirant Formation


Aspirants: None

Formator: Toni

Assistant Formator:

JulySession One - Welcome to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (Welcome), Fr. Aloysius Deeney, OCDPages 9-12
AugustSession Two - Lumen GentiumChapter V
SeptemberSession Three - Welcome to the Secular Order of Discalced CarmelitesPages 22-37, Rule of St. Albert
OctoberSession Four - OCDS ConstitutionsArticles 24 a, b, c, d, e
NovemberSession Five - Liturgy of the Hours CommentaryAppendix E
DecemberSession Six - Lectio Divina, Same Anthony Morello, OCD
JanuarySession Seven and Eight - Constitutions

Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition, Paul Marie of the Cross, OCD
Articles 1-8, 17-24, 29-31a

Pages 13-22, 34-68
FebruarySession Nine - Constitutions

Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition, Paul Marie of the Cross, OCD
Articles 25-26

Pages 32-33
MarchSession Ten - Constitutions

Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition, Paul Marie of the Cross, OCD
Articles 29-31a

Pages 28-32
AprilSession Eleven - Constitutions

OCDS Ritual for Admission (Appendix H)
Articles 25-28
MaySession Twelve - OCDS Ritual

Rite of Admission to Formation (Appendix H)
Chapter 1
JuneCommunity Retreat