2024-2025 Formation I – Year A


Year 1: Bernie, David, Jeff, Sheila, Teresa

Year 2: Janet

JulySession One - The Book of Her Life St Teresa of Avila

Session Two - The Way of Perfection
Introduction (Appendix B), Biographical Timeline (Appendix C)

Chapters 1-3
AugustSession Three - The Way of Perfection

Chapters 4 and 8

1 Cor 13:4-7
SeptemberSession Four - The Way of PerfectionChapters 10-15
OctoberSession Five - The Way of PerfectionChapters 17-21, 23
NovemberSession Six - The Way of PerfectionChapters 22, 24, 25
DecemberSession Seven - The Way of PerfectionChapters 26-30
JanuarySession Eight - The Way of PerfectionChapters 30-31 (Especially important chapters)
FebruarySession Nine - The Way of PerfectionChapter 32
MarchSession Ten - The Way of PerfectionChapters 33-35
AprilSession Eleven - The Way of PerfectionChapters 36-37
MaySession Twelve - The Way of Perfection

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Chapters 38-42

Paragraphs 1810-1813
JuneRitual Retreat