INQUIRERS are welcome to attend our regular meetings. They must contact the Formation Director prior to attending their first meeting. No details of the meeting location are to be given out to assure no one attends without first speaking with the Formation Director.
- Inquirers will be introduced to the group by a member of the Welcoming Committee for Inquirers, who will assist them during the meeting. Inquirers may also meet with the Formation Director to answer any questions they may have.
- Council will make the decision on whether an Inquirer can join as an Aspirant.
- Inquirers should be present at Morning Prayer followed by Silent Prayer time, Community Formation, and Social Time. However, they may not attend the individual formation, the ongoing formation classes or the community business meeting.
- It is recommended that Inquirers attend a minimum of three (3) regular community meetings in the calendar year prior to being considered for Aspirancy.